Monday, September 18, 2006


Dear friends of the Muslim communities,

Please join us, the Arab American NOWAR committee, in a solidarity fast. Say NO TO WAR AND RACISM by fasting with Muslims during Ramadan.

Read the NOWAR statement and if you agree with the statement and wish to participate in the fast, contact us via email at solidarityfast at

1. You are committing to abstain from food --sunup to sundown-- for a minimum of three days during the month of Ramadan which begins on September 23.

2. We will assign dates to participants and create a public calendar.

3. Your signature will be added to the list of fasters and made public on our blog and to media contacts.

4. Throughout Ramadan, we will gather for two Iftar dinners to break our fast, one in Ann Arbor at the beginning of Ramadan and one in Dearborn near the end of Ramadan.

Regardless of which days you have been assigned to fast, we who are fasting in Michigan in solidarity with Muslim communities, will attend these two Iftar dinners. Both dinners will start at sundown.

BintJbeil Cultural Center
6220 Miller Rd
Dearborn, MI 48126

TEL: (313) 584-0011

UM campus/Ann Arbor/
student co-sponsored event

****DATES/TIMES WILL BE ANNOUNCED as soon as possible****

Visit OUR BLOG for our statement, the list of signatures, and other important information related to the solidarity fast.

In solidarity and toward peace,

Ann Arbor & Dearborn

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